At first glance, this doesn't look like a bird picture at all. But look closer (click photo to enlarge) at both the sky and the water. Those myriad little dots are puffins, who flock to Heimaey Island every spring to breed. If you can't enlarge, or want more "action", there's a video clip of the puffin flock at the end of this post.
Also near the glacier we ran across this ptarmigan, who eyed us suspiciously and emitted several guttural croaks, but made no haste to get out of our way. In winter, the ptarmigan's plumage turns snowy white and the red brow patch turns bright scarlet.
Other species encountered but not shown include the wheatear, arctic skua, great norther diver (aka loon), arctic tern, turnstone, greylag goose, black guillemot and a variety of waterfowl.
Love the puffin photo! Amazing to see the "flecks" turn into birds when enlarged. I think it takes real skill to photograph birds and you do a great job. Thanks for sharing - and educating about Icelandic birds.