Monday, July 20, 2009

Birds of Amsterdam

One of the pleasant surprises of Amsterdam is the abundance of bird life in such a dense urban area with relatively little green space. The gray heron does quite well here, as do magpies, coots, swifts, swamp hens, terns, wood pigeons and a variety of ducks.
Other sightings included the winter wren, great tit, and we even saw a great crested grebe during our boat tour of the canals.
And here are a couple of white storks nesting in the Vogelpark, one of only a dozen or so pairs in the Netherlands.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! Good wildlife photography. I don't know birds but many people in my life seem to be getting into bird watching or breeding. It was odd to be in China and not see birds in mass numbers...I think I saw 3 or 5 flying. I saw several cages of pigeons and ducks in the markets. I heard the pollution is causing the reduced number of birds in the wild.

