Sunday, April 19, 2009

Okay, I wasn't going to blog on this . . .

. . . but spring is a little more here, and I suppose that's big enough news here in MN to warrant a few lines. This scrappy little marsh marigold and its mates are most welcome. In any case, the next blog will be from NYC, and from a content perspective, just didn't seem to go.

Hiking along the Minnesota River nature reserve, here's a mini-panorama of the old Cedar Ave Bridge, where we started our walk.

We really got into birding in NZ, and this interest has persisted. Below, a male hooded merganser (the bloke with the rust-colored wing) is pictured among the reeds with a group of coots (the black chaps).
And here are a pair of Tundra Swans. Sorry for the fuzzy pic, but they were quite far away. From this photo, it is hard to appreciate the scale of these birds, which are almost a meter and a half high, weighing nearly 10kg.
The river is just a short drive to Burnsville, where Kristen's sister lives. Here's Richard with the girls (Alexandra, Maddie and Elie)
and here's Kristen with pretty much everybody (Ali, her husband, Rich, and Mateo are pictured along with Kristen and the girls).

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